It is time to hear from the other side,the boys!

May 16, 2011  |  Uncategorized

When I speak about Fifty & Fabulous! The Best Years of a Woman’s Life, audiences often ask me, “does the same apply to men?”
I respond that I don’t know as I have only interviewed woman but Dr Tornstam’s research on Gerotranscendence is pertinent to men and woman so I assume that men have similar access to the gifts of a changing life perspective as each birthday passes.
Well, with Dr Tornstam’s encouragement and my own sense of equality and justice urging me on, I am now embarking on the research interviews to capture the perspectives and thoughts of men 50+ who are positive role models for all men in or approaching the years past fifty.

As with the women, I am looking to interview what I call the sparkling- eyed- older male species.
These are men 50+ who embrace their current stage of life and who defy many of the stereotypical negative aging messages because they just seem to get better and better every day. I do not mean physically, though they may be healthy and fit but I mean they have engaged in the age in which they currently find themselves and they are reaping the gifts of that time in life. It sometimes appears to the rest of us that they know something we don’t because their attitude so distinguishes them from their peers.

In order to cover this topic properly I will need to interview men from fifty years of age to as far beyond 100 as I can get and I will interview men in different countries hopefully spanning numerous continents as I did with the women I interviewed for Fifty& Fabulous! I need to interview a broad demographic sample, married, single, with children and without, professional men and non professionals, wealthy men and those without substantial financial assets, working and retired, straight and gay.

All interviews can be done on the phone and will last approximately one hour. I will offer the interviewees anonymity if they wish or use their names in the book which follows,as they prefer.

I am approaching these interviews as I approached the interviews with the women…I have no idea what I will find but I am curious to hear what men think about the experience of their later years.

You can help by referring interviewees to me. Everyone knows an amazing man 50+ with a twinkle in his eye. Stop hiding them; pass them on so I can share their secrets with the world.
Please refer potential candidates to for more info on Fifty & Fabulous! The Best Years of a Woman’s Life or they can email me at

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